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Great Powers Competition and U.S. Intelligence Challenges
September 26, 2024
6:00 PM
Holland & Knight, LLP, 800 17th Street NW, 20006
The past 10 years have witnessed the Russian invasion of Ukraine, increasing use of technology and social media by Russia and other nations to direct propaganda at the U.S. and Western Europe, Chinese aggressiveness to control the South Seas and its emergence and standing as an economic power, and explosive conflict in the Middle East. These and other international events and resulting alliances have led some commentators to suggest a re-emergence of a “Great Power Competition” with persistent adversaries and intelligence “hard target” priorities Russia and China.
Our distinguished panel of retired senior intelligence officers, moderated by intelligence historian and leading practitioner Mark Lowenthal, will include: former CIA Deputy and Acting Director John McLaughlin, Senior Agency Operations officer and author Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, and China intelligence and academic expert Dennis Wilder will explore how CIA and the intelligence community have adjusted to the requirements of policymakers and others to understand and counter threats from those nations while also continuing to meet the demands of other national security priorities:
- How have CIA and the IC adapted their focus from a Cold War to a War on Terror and now to what some have called a New Cold War?
- What’s different or the same about the challenges today, such as propaganda efforts, and the U.S. ability to combat them?
- What are lessons learned from past transitions and shifts in priorities?
- How well-situated is U.S. intelligence today and into the future to handle new and continuing priorities in light of societal changes, workforce expectations, the motivations and impact of foreign leaders, and other challenges?
CII welcomes comments and suggestions. If you have ideas about future topics or speakers, or
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