We Help Intelligence Officers on Legal Matters
We Educate the Public on Intelligence Issues and Challenges

CII’s non-partisan, nonpolitical programs and information are designed to increase the public’s understanding of intelligence challenges and risks faced by people working for the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

CII and its network provide CIA and other intelligence officers independent counseling, access to lawyers as needed, and other assistance when legal concerns arise in connection with service to the Nation.

Learn about events, articles, and opinion pieces including articles by the Council on Intelligence Issues or current and former intelligence officers on items of interest relating to intelligence and national security.

Upcoming Events

CII’s educational events aim to highlight the risks and challenges facing intelligence officers as they carry out their responsibilities serving U.S. national security interests. Future events are listed on this page.

Past Events

These past CII’s educational events highlight the risks and challenges facing intelligence officers as they carry out their responsibilities serving U.S. national security interests.